Philippe Ruh

Philippe has been in the business for 25 years, first in tourism, then in business travel. After a linguistic and professional stay in London, he returned to business travel, serving a Geneva-based clientele of freelancers, SMEs and multinationals, and managing a specialized Business Travel subsidiary with 6 agents.

His career then led him to work for one of the leaders in business travel, advising and servicing sports federations and UN organizations, before joining Charter Voyages and its CBTS pool: Business travel&groups, customized & top-of-the-range travel and VIP concierge services.


Her favorite destinations: Latin America “from Rio Grande to Usuhaia”, with a particular focus on Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Mexico & Guatemala, as well as Polynesia, Cape Verde and the Indian Ocean Islands.

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